Dhikr/Zikhr means remembrance of Allah SWT
It is narrated by Bukhari and Muslim and mentioned by Jalaluddin
as-Suyuti, from other collections, that 'Ali bin Abi Talib (r) said, "I
asked the Prophet (s) one time, 'O Messenger of Allah, guide me to the
shortest way to Allah's Presence, and the easiest way to worship, and
the best way for Allah, Almighty and Exalted. The Prophet (s) said, 'O
'Ali, you have to be continuously making Dhikrullah, silently and
aloud.' I replied, 'O Prophet (s), all human beings are making dhikr.
Give me something special.' The Prophet (s) said, 'O 'Ali, the best of
what I, and all prophets before me, said is, la ilaha illallah. If all the heavens and earth were placed on one side of the balance and la ilaha illallah were placed in the other, la ilaha illallah would be heavier. Judgment Day will never come as long as there are people on this earth saying la ilaha illallah.' Then I said, 'How should I recite.' The Prophet (s) said, 'Close your eyes and listen to me reciting la ilaha ill-Allah three
times. Then you say it three times and I will listen to you.' Then the
Prophet (s) said it and I repeated it in a loud voice."
In the narration of Imam Ahmad and Tabarani this hadith is continued, describing how the Prophet taught his Companions the dhikr. "'Ibada bin Samit said that the Prophet (s) said, 'Is there any stranger among you?' And we said, 'No, Ya Rasul-Allah.' He said, 'Close the door.' Then he said, 'Raise your hand and repeat after me La ilaha illallah' We raised our hand and said, la ilaha illallah. Then the Prophet (s) said, 'Praise be to Allah that He sent me to this world with this kalimah, and He ordered me with it, and He promised me the Paradise with it, and He never changes His Promise.' Then the Prophet (s) said, 'Be happy! Allah has forgiven you.'"
In the narration of Imam Ahmad and Tabarani this hadith is continued, describing how the Prophet taught his Companions the dhikr. "'Ibada bin Samit said that the Prophet (s) said, 'Is there any stranger among you?' And we said, 'No, Ya Rasul-Allah.' He said, 'Close the door.' Then he said, 'Raise your hand and repeat after me La ilaha illallah' We raised our hand and said, la ilaha illallah. Then the Prophet (s) said, 'Praise be to Allah that He sent me to this world with this kalimah, and He ordered me with it, and He promised me the Paradise with it, and He never changes His Promise.' Then the Prophet (s) said, 'Be happy! Allah has forgiven you.'"
Let's All Make More Dua/Praying This Ramadan
As we all know, Ramadan is a great time to spiritually recharge! It’s also a great time to make Dua.
Every year for the past 3 years I’ve made a Dua list. At the start of Ramadan I write down a list of 7 to 8 things that I want the most and I memorize them. I make dua for each item on the list every day of Ramadan at the times that dua are more likely to be accepted. I can personally tell you all that it does wonders. Honestly, things I’ve asked for persistently and I did not think would, have come true.
It’s incredible. I look back and can’t believe I’ve gotten so many of things I asked so desperately for, Allah truly does not leave the hands of a believer empty when raised to Him. I get excited every year around this time because I get to make that wish list again.
I would highly recommend making a personal dua list of your own! As an incentive, our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Allah is angry with those who do not ask Him for anything” (Tirmidhi). Why make Him mad?
Some things to consider when writing your dua list:
1. Write it all down
Put down what you want to ask for on paper or on your phone so for the first few weeks you don’t miss a single item. It can be as long as you want! It can be private and you don’t need to share it with others so feel free to only make a list of keywords to remind you of each item.
2. Ask anything & everything that is good
When choosing your items, imagine that Allah is asking you to ask Him for anything and everything you’ve ever wanted! Imagine the possibilities. Write down everything you want to ask Allah with no limitations (but keep it halal!). Remember folks, you’re asking Al Mujeeb – the One Who Responds and is the Supreme Answerer.
3. Organize
Try separating your duas into categories so you know that you’ve properly hit each one. I would recommend: dunya, akhirah, ibadah, the ummah, and
relationships. For each category, think about what you would like the most and start listing them.
4. Make the dua when duas are most likely answered
These times include right before breaking the fast, during your salah in sujood and after the obligatory prayers, Qiyam ul layl, the last 10 nights etc. I personally make mine right before breaking my fast during iftaar.
5. Remember the etiquettes of dua
There is a right and proper way to make dua. Remember that we must praise Allah first, ask for peace and blessings upon our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and then make our dua.
I pray you all have a meaningful and successful Ramadan full of barakah. May Allah preserve you all to reap the benefits of such a Holy month and bring you closer to Him. May He give you all strength, knowledge, patience and humility. Ameen!
Posted by NK

Clean up the time:
a) Telephone:
Minimize your chat on the telephone. If you are used to chat with your friends on a regular basis, try to make it short. Share with her the importance of this month & tell her that you want to devote yourself for Ibaadah in order to get the maximum reward in this month. Share with her these tips.
b) Cooking:
Try to cook something simple during Ramadan as this is a month of Ibaadah & Qur'aan, not the month of food. There are some husbands who push their wives to cook different varieties of food & sisters have to spend their time in the kitchen. If it's very necessary, keep a tape of Qur'aan in the kitchen & listen to it while you are busy in kitchen, or keep your tongue moist with the Dhikr. [Find out some short cut & tips to prepare the food quickly]
c) Shopping:
Get all your shopping done before Ramadan. Make a list of the things/grocery/ items, that is enough for one month & buy it all together.
Important: Try to do the Eid shopping NOW. The last ten days of Ramadan when we are to be doing more Ibaadah & spend our time in doing good deeds, most of the Muslims are busy shopping for Eid.
These ten days, we have to exaggerate ourselves in doing more Ibaadah & to catch Laylat-ul-Qadr.
Make this Ramadan a very different from all the previous Ramadans.
d) Dinner Parties/Iftaar:
Iftaar parties during Ramadan are getting very common now. We have the rest of the full year to do parties & to socialize. Indeed it's a great reward to break someone's fast but give food to people who are needy & poor.
The Prophet Sallalahu Alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever gives food to a fasting person with which to break his fast, will have a reward equal to his, without it detracting in the slightest from the reward of the fasting person." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi Saheeh al-Targheeb).
e) Sleeping:
Cut less the time of sleep during this month. It's a month of Ibaadah, doing good deeds. Who knows this could be our last Ramadan. Reduce your sleeping hours. Its only one month & then you can get back to your normal routine or better yet make that your permanent routine.
f) Computer & Internet:
Spending a lot of time on the internet, even if visiting Islamic sites really takes hours without notice. Try to minimize your internet timings by just checking emails/stuff once a week.
Now we have cleaned up a big amount of time, let's schedule it for Ibaadah.
1) Fard:
Pray the Obligatory salaah (prayer) on time with Khushoo. Get yourself ready as soon as the time of salaah comes in. Make du'aa to ALLAH to give you Khushoo & try to get rid of all the thoughts & waswaas that comes in the mind.
Stand in Salah as if you are seeing your LORD and if that doesn't happen then keep in mind that your LORD is seeing you.
2) Sunnah & Nawafil:
The prophet Sallalahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever maintains 4 rakaah before Dhuhr & 4 rakaah after Dhuhr, ALLAH will make the fire Haraam on that person" [Ibn-Maajah, Tirmidhee]
4 rakaah before Asr:
The prophet Sallalahu 3Alayhi wa sallam said: "May Allah have mercy on him who prays 4 rakaah before Asr". [Tirmidhee]
Salaah Al-Duha: Increase the number of Rakaah if you are already in a habit of praying salaah al-Duha.
3) Qur'aan:
Ramadan is the month of Qur'aan. Try to schedule it all the moments you have. If you are working, keep a pocket size Qur'aan with you & read it whenever you get the time, like coffee break, lunch break, etc.
Recite slowly in a beautiful voice & reflect on its meanings.
Try to read this time, with translation & tafseer.
4) Taraweeh & Qiyaam-ul-layl:
Pray the taraweeh in the masjid where the Imaam does long Qiyaam.
5) Tahajjud:
Try to get up a little earlier to pray 2 rakaah before suhoor & make duaa. It's the best time for making duaa & a time of acceptance of duaa.
6) Duaa:
Write down all the duaa you want to make for yourself, your children, family or any du'aa that you want to make for your deen or dunyah. Each day, focus on one duaa & keep on repeating it throughout the day & at times when the duaa is accepted (between aadhan & Iqaamah, iftaar time, in sujood, last 3rd of night)
Make duaa to ALLAH to give you Ikhlaas, khushoo, make duaa that you catch laylat-ul-Qadr. make duaa for the whole Ummah.
[repeat the duaa that are very important to you, during the last ten days of Ramadan]
7) Dhikr:
Select one Dhikr for a day & focus on it daily, reflecting on its meaning & thinking about its reward, while repeating it throughout the day. Keep your tongue moist with dhikr.
8) Charity:
Give as much charity as you can, as the reward gets more during the month of Ramadan. Give food to the poor & needy people & help those in need.
Last 10 days:
Double & triple the amount of Ibaadah you are already doing (reading Qur'aan, nawafil, Dhikr, duaa, qiyaam) in the last ten days of Ramadaan.
Sleep less & worship more.. pray as much as you can & make a lot of duaa.
Last Tip:
Start your Ramadan by asking from Allah to accept your acts of worship by saying this dua' "Rabbana Taqabbal Minna Innnaka antas Sami'ul 'Aleem (Oh our Lord! Accept from us, You are the All Hearing, the All Knowing) [2:127]" . Also take good care of your health. Bit by bit increase your tasks in Ramadan so that you don't go through the law of diminishing return according to the economics term, because what happens to most of us is that we are very zealous in the initial part of Ramadan and we go out of our way to do all kinds of 'ibada but at the end things become slack whereas it should be the opposite as we are to increase our 'ibada in the last 10 days of Ramadan. Hence find out ways to save up your energy for the last 10 days by increasing your efforts bit by bit and by stages throughout Ramadan InshaaAllah and Allah knows best.
Posted by OFR